The Mission of Ez Information Services

Paul AydelottEz Information Management is a small, freelance consulting company designed to help small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and small county/town governments.  

We're located in Centerville, TN, about 60 miles southwest of Nashville.

Our Internet services include website development and maintenance. Our facilitation services range from simple team-building and problem-solving to large group meetings where we put people to work identifying problems and outlining potential solutions.

The Mission of eZiNFOmgmt is to ...

  • Help small businesses, non-profit organizations, 501c3 organizations, and small town/county governments to deliver more products and services at less cost and with fewer people.
  • Use our skills in planning and developing information technologies to increase productivity and expand the levels of services that these organizations can provide with limited resources.
  • Go back to the basics to help you do what you are good at doing. We want to use our skills with information technology to help you deliver your products and services in ways that are most efficient and effective for you. We do bring change, but we focus on
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